Tips For Women To Get Better Sleep

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Are you a woman in a dilemma about what to wear to sleep? Stop worrying now because below is a list of tips that could help you get better sleep. Check out the lovely silk nighties if you have a thing for silk fabricSome ladies wear pajamas, a t-shirt with shorts or nothing. Yes, you read it correctly; a few females prefer to fall asleep naked. Anyways, let’s get started by learning a few hacks to achieve sound rest.

  • Right sleepwear
  • Comfort
  • Temperature
  • Feet
  • Naked body

  • Right sleepwear

Everybody is not the same, so there is no standard outfit for a night. You can experiment with the clothing and find out the right pick. However, below are some points to give an idea. Sleepwear is made and available in different fabrics; cotton, Flannel, Wool, Fleece, Bamboo, Linen, Sleep-performance blends, and Silk.

Individuals residing in cool places must wear clothes made of wool, fleece, and flannel to keep them warm. That does not mean that you will not feel overheated at times. Alternatively, silk, cotton, and bamboo-made nighties are comfortable and breathable irrespective of the temperatures.

  • Comfort

Never wear tight-fitting clothes for sleeping. Because such outfits cause suffocation and make the nights even more complicated, however, cool weathers are an exception. Loose and comfortable clothes are life saviors in summer and humid conditions.

  • Temperature

Adjustments to the room temperatures are not enough to facilitate sound sleep alone. Thermoregulation is what comforts the body at night, a biological system that allows the dropping of body temperature at night. However, some individuals still complain of sweating during the night. Such pals can pick moisture-wicking pajamas for a more relaxed feel.

  • Feet

It is good to wear socks at night to keep the feet warm in cold weather. Also, ensure that the little clothing is loose enough to give you warmth and comfort at the same time.

  • Naked body

People with sleep-walking disorder are at the risk of embarrassing themselves if they sleep naked. Apart from this one, there are a few benefits of sleeping naked.

  • Better sleep

People who have slept barely have reported having a better sleep when compared to people who went to bed with clothing. Body temperatures adjust to the weather if one hits the mattress without pajamas.

  • Improved relationship

It is a personal choice to share a bed with a romantic partner who is without clothes. You may not be aware of this, but skin-to-skin contact with spouses improves connection and reduces anxiety by releasing oxytocin.

  • Skincare

A keen observation gives us an insight that sound sleep enhances the texture and health of skin and helps maintain youthful features. In short, sleeping without nightwear has also proven to enhance sleep quality and skin health.

From the above, it is noted that good quality sleep is dependent on the type of sleepwear, nudity, temperature, and comfort. This is why choose appropriate fits for yourself, like silk nighties and fulfill the abovementioned criteria.


Kisha Tucker is a journalist based in Singapore. He is also an awardee of multiple recognitions in the field of journalism.

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