What Are The Physical Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids On a Person’s Health?

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There is no doubt that these anabolic steroids have some harmful effects on a person’s body, but not everyone using the same steroid will have the same impact on his/her body. Some steroid users may suffer mild side effects, whereas others may experience some serious health-related problems. The severity of the impact will depend upon the distinct individuals. Some of the general side effects are as follows:

  • Skin becomes hairy and oily.
  • Hair loss.
  • Bacterial or viral infections.
  • The voice becomes deeper for men and women.
  • Disturbs menstrual cycle in women.
  • Heart stroke and other heart-related diseases such as heart attacks.
  • Testicles shrinking.
  • Mood swings.
  • Cholesterol level increases.
  • Azoospermia in which males are not able to produce the required sperm for fertilization.

The other physical effects of steroids are as follows:

  • Effects on kidneys

The kidney’s primary role is to eliminate the waste material from the body and thus make the body neat and clean. Kidneys clean the blood and separate the water and salt in the body. Kidneys also help regulate blood pressure, and high blood pressure leads to the failure of its functioning. Issues with the high dosage of the steroids and the kidneys may not work through oral steroids.

The kidneys must work hard to process for absorbing and metabolizing the steroids. The damage being done to the kidneys will cause life-threatening problems and can put the person to death. Steroids tend to have great protein in them, which will result in diminishing the functioning of different parts of the body.

High protein will result in causing significant effects on the kidneys and can result in their failure. In addition, this can lead to a reduced blood supply and filtration of waste materials from the body.

  • Effects of steroids on the chest

Testosterone can be easily converted into oestrogen in the body of men with the help of an enzyme known as aromatase which is found in the body tissue; when a man has extra oestrogen, which will result in building up the excess fat in the body.

  • Changes in the jaw line appear as an outcome of steroid use

Consuming the turinabol kaufen regularly will have a physical effect on the aesthetic appearance of the jawline. The high amount of growth and testosterone make the person look more defined, and a square jaw line will increase the muscle growth of the jaw, and masculine features also get increased.

  • Stomach issues associated with steroids

Extreme intake of steroids will result in a burning sensation in the person’s stomach, and the person likes to drink as compared to eatables. Acid reflux, ulcers and bloating are the primary causes of steroids. As a result, the stomach produces more acids due to a misbalance in the hormones.

  • Steroids and hair loss

Both men and women may experience hair loss in their bodies. Testosterone is converted into DHT, which may affect the hair follicles and sometimes cause problems by irritating a person or even dying.


Kisha Tucker is a journalist based in Singapore. He is also an awardee of multiple recognitions in the field of journalism.

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